Our Green Tomorrow Programme
Our Green Tomorrow is a long-term corporate social responsibility programme launched by GEOTECHMIN GROUP, in 2011 with the purpose of improving urban environment and enhancing biodiversity in the regions where the Group’s companies do business. It is implemented with corporate funds and volunteer work, as well as the active support and participation of our companies’ management teams, our employees, and various representatives of local communities.
In 2011 – 2014, Our Green Tomorrow initiative was undertaken by Geotechmin OOD and
Ellatzite-Med AD in the municipalities of Srednogorie, Etropole and Samokov. 30 decares of municipal woodlands and forests were planted and various urban greenspaces – parks and gardens were beautifully landscaped.
In 2020, the year of the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak when local authorities faced a great number of difficulties, the management team of GEOTECHMIN GROUP decided to continue implementing Our Green Tomorrow – which is currently part of Bulgarian Virtues Charity Programme. Two other companies from GEOTECHMIN GROUP – Geostroy AD and Geotrading AD. joined the initiative of Geotechmin OOD and Ellatzite-Med AD to improve natural environments by planting a rich diversity of trees, shrubs and flowers. The four companies provided funding to the municipalities of Etropole, Mirkovo, Pirdop, Zlatitsa, Chavdar, Chelopech and Koprivshtitsa to purchase tree and shrub seedlings. Representatives of the companies’ management teams and employees joined together as volunteers for the tree planting initiative. Local authorities also contributed to the cause by giving their time and voluntary work – mayors, chairmen of municipal councils and administration officers, as well as teachers, students and even children from kindergartens. In 2020 – 2021, more than 3,200 trees and shrubs and hundreds of flowers were planted, thus enhancing the natural beauty of urban environments.
In 2022, Our Green Tomorrow entered the schoolyards to create a more beautiful and welcoming outdoor learning environment and encourage students to take care of the plantings.
In 2024, more than 1,700 new trees, shrubs and other plants were planted with donations and volunteer work in Anton, Etropole, Zlatitsa, Koprivshtitsa, Mirkovo, and Pirdop Municipalities. Furthermore, pupils from Ss Cyril and Methodius Primary School in the village of Chavdar took part in making a greenhouse for vegetables at their school.