BCMG awards Prof. Dsc. Eng. Tzolo Voutov, Geotechmin OOD and Ellatzite-Med AD
The Bulgarian Chamber of Mining and Geology (BCMG) awarded five prizes to Prof. Dr. Tzolo Voutov
, Geotechmin OOD and Ellatzite-Med AD on the occasion of the professional holiday Miner’s Day and BCMG’s 30th anniversary.
Prof. DSc. Eng. Tzolo Voutov, President of Geotechmin OOD, received a personal award for his contribution to the mineral raw materials industry and on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of BCMG’s founding. The award was presented to him by the Chairman of BCMG’s Management Board Prof. DSc. Eng. Nikolay Valkanov. The company Geotechmin OOD, which had celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2020, was awarded three prizes: one for its contribution to the mining industry, a certificate for active participation in the national donation campaign to help fight COVID-19, and the national award for a socially responsible campaign in the mineral raw materials industry. The latter was won for the second consecutive year in recognition of Geotechmin’s magnanimous support to local municipalities under Bulgarian Virtues Charity Programme. The awards were received by Mr Dominic Hamers, Executive Director of the company. M.Eng. Dragomir Draganov received the annual award for best production results in the mining industry, achieved by Ellatzite-Med AD.
The official Miner’s Day celebration was attended by the senior management of the BCMG’s member companies – Geotechmin OOD, Ellatzite-Med AD, Geostroy AD, Geotrading AD, Explosiveprogress-GTM EOOD, and other companies from the Group. Dr. Eng. Ivan Vutov, Vice President of Geotechmin and Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria (CEIBG) received an honorary plaque for successful partnership on behalf CEIBG – the largest employers’ organization in Bulgaria.
‘I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Geotechmin’s employees for all their hard work, loyalty and contribution to the advancement of the company and the mineral raw materials industry. I would also like to thank the team of Ellatzite-Med AD for their excellent performance and achieved best production results. I strongly believe that GEOTECHMIN GROUP will continue to contribute to the development of the mineral raw materials industry’, said Prof. Voutov.
The contribution of the Group’s companies extends beyond their business activities, aiming to support the local communities in the regions where they operate. In 2020, important framework partnership agreements were signed with the municipalities of Etropole, Mirkovo, Chavdar, Chelopech and Zlatitsa under Bulgarian Virtues Charity Programme. The social projects implemented under these agreements upgrade the programme, which was initiated by Prof. DSc. Eng. Tzolo Voutov and the companies Ellatzite-Med, Geotechmin, Geostroy and Geotrading in 2018. The founders support noble causes and social impact projects in the spheres of health care, education, culture and improving quality of life.